
By trade I am a computer geek. I spent many years programming everything from Cobol to Java and in every spectrum of the industry from writing software to working with clients. My most memorable job was working with a company that designed systems for international airlines, and my greatest challenge was moving deftly between meetings with a Japanese airline to an Israeli one. I learned to bow in Tokyo and shout across a smoke filled office in Tel Aviv.

Today I am a writer, web designer, photographer, and proud to serve as the president of the Atlanta Writers Club as well as be a board member for the Newnan Carnegie Library Foundation.

My writing project is Portrait In Redhistorical fiction about sculptor, spy and cousin of Winston Churchill, Clare Sheridan.

I love doing websites for authors and writing groups! See an example here and here. Contact me about creating a site for you!

For photography I specialize in sports and high school senior portraits with a side trip to botanicals.

I have always read and written and I studied architecture in college before switching to computer science. Writing, for me, is a way to combine all aspects of imagination. I typically have a bookmark in at least five books, can be found down a rabbit hole of research or pleasure on the internet and have too many movies and shows in my Netflix queue and Amazon Watchlist.

Oh, and my newfound hobby is gardening. I suppose it’s telling that I couldn’t get started with the new backyard until I had a full design and decided on the color palette.